I flew to Miami on Thursday morning & ended up arriving at the airport about the same time as Jess so we shared a cab over to the hotel where I met up with Lisa & Sue. We got some lunch at Checkers across the street from the hotel,

then back to the room to get ready for the concert that night at The Fillmore.

There we met up with Steph & Susan

(yes all NKOTB are really just an excuse for BH reunions! lol) Before the show we ran into Danny's dad, who is just the nicest guy! He told us that Chance & Vega had been packed & ready for a week, they were just as excited as we were for the cruise! The show that night was awesome! SOme had said they were skipping this show because it was basically rhe same as the Full Service tour last summer but they were SO WRONG! The set list was about the same but they did every song in a different way, added some new ones etc...we called it the Remix Concert :D After the show we heard screams coming from the side of the building & found Donnie & Joe hanging out their dressing room window haha After catching up with friends we ran into after the show we headed back to the hotel (after a brief stop at the liquor store!) to try & get a decent amount of sleep since we knew sleeping was rare on the cruise!
Woke up the next morning to realize #1 IT'S CRUISE DAY!! and #2 we can see the ship from our hotel room!!!
We got ready, packed up & oo the shuttle to the port! When we got there, Lisa & Sue went on in thru he security line while I waited outside for my roomates. It wasn't long before I heard the familiar screams & sqeuals of BH's who see their men! I went down to the end of the building & saw why there had been screaming, the guys were arriving! I saw Danny first,

then 1 by one the other guys came out of the bus waving to all of us, but Donnie as usual was the 1 who "worked the line" coming down thru and giving out hugs to all of us there :)Click HERE to download the video :D After finding Amy we found out that we didn't have to check in as a group so Amy & I went ahead thru security & got checked in. Lisa & Sue had been in the security line as the guys came thru, watching Jordan do a little strip tease when taking off his belt...

ummm....yeah it's gonna be a FUN WEEKEND!!
After the guys got checked in they made their way up the escalator & as they walked across the catwalk we all started singing "Happy Birthday" to Danny!
Donnie was taking pix of us with his phone, Jordan conducting our song-great way to start the weekend!

We got checked in, wristbands & our sign & sail cards! It was official...we're on THE BOAT!!

One of the first things I saw when boarding was the huge NKOTB banners in the atrium...OMG I'm actually here! AFter those 6 HORRIBLE hours spent on 2 computers trying to get a reservation last August-I never thought I'd actually be here!!!

We couldn't get into our cabin right away so we headed for the food first to get some lunch, then I went looking for my girls! I found them on the lido deck by the pool gettin the party started!
The DJ was playing, the drinks were bein served...

it's bikini time!

We had to stop the party briefly to go to the emergency drill, then it was a race back to the lido deck for the Sail Away Party! As usual the guys never disappoint, goofing off, taking pix, signing autpgraphs...Click HERE to download the video from the Sail Away Party!

Next I went back to my cabin to get ready for the game show "NKOTB Jeopardy" which was just hilarious! Donnie kept complaining that it wasn't really Jeopardy because instead of giving answers, it was questions..the opposite of how "real Jeopardy" is played lol I got most of it on video, click HERE to download part 1 & HERE for part 2 :D
After the game show I went back to my cabin to get changed for the first lido deck party "Casino Royale Night" while my frieds were at the game show. Around this time was the first that I started to feel the ship rocking, it wasn't bad on the lido deck but down in the cabin I could definitely feel it rockin! Luckiy though it didn't make me sick-but I definitely didn't wanna spend too much time down in the cabin. The first night the weather didn't cooperate, it was SOOOO WINDY & cold :(
The guys came out wearing tuxes! Shooting t-shirts into the crowd w/ an air gun was definitely Jon's favorite part I think lol Click HERE to see the video I took that night. Due to the weather I was the first to cry uncle & went to bed around 2:30am