After checking into VIP we were taken upstarirs to The Studio at the Palms for a Q&A chit chat/Joe sings session.
It's been so long since I've seen them perform, and who knows when I might see them again. I really wanted to sit back & enjoy the night & not worry about getting every monent on film. Especially since I saw so many video cameras rollin! I figured I could find some good footage out there & sure enough I did! Check out TaraMac21's YouTube channel, she got just about everything & from a perfect view! Much better than I could've gotten! THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing your videos!!!!!
I love being able to have video of the shows but it also takes away from the experience of being there. Before this new digital age the best we could do it audio recordings (I still have cd's of several Joe/Eman shows) but doing that just involves hitting record & sticking it back in your purse. I wish they'd just set up a video camera in the back , hit record & sell dvd copies of the show LOL
Joe talked about his movie, the cruise (no more white night!) sang a few songs & even happy birthday to a bday girl there :) Watch the videos, lots of funny moments I can't remember lol
After the photo we were free to go til the show so we headed downstairs to get some dinner since we didn't get a chance to eat before the M&G. The mexican resturaunt was able to seat us right away so we ate there.
They were serving a drink special called a "New Kids On The Rocks" is a sweet drink,similar to a purple hooter-so of course we had to get it lol YUMMY!
Joe ended the night singing "One Night" & getting on top one of the tables, so well he earned a $100 tip! He tried to give it back to her but she made him keep it, so he said money is money! lol it's what we do anyway, just not so directly like that! I'm sooooo glad I was able to go to Vegas! If you have the chance to see these guys live RUN don't walk...go go go!!! Seriously, it's hands down the best live accoustic show you'll ever see!
I thought of something else I wanted to add while I was in the shower. Going to see Joe & Eman in 2002 is something that changed my life, because it brought me out of my small town life to a life I couldn't even dream of. Traveling to new cities, meeting new friends from all over the country, all of it made me realize I wanted more out of life. I believe everything happens for a reason, so thank you to Joe & Eman for indirectly leading me to my now husband & best friend, who took me to see you in Chicago just 1 week after meeting! I couldn't ask for a better husband, or best friend! In the same way we blockheads treasure the early days of nkotb as the best years of your childhood, I feel the same for my year w/ EMAC & the Bravehearts....Don't FUCK with us alright?! :D
Joe talked about his movie, the cruise (no more white night!) sang a few songs & even happy birthday to a bday girl there :) Watch the videos, lots of funny moments I can't remember lol
For our photo op w/ Joe & Eman we went into a seperate room & just hand your camera to the lady helping out & she took our pic :) I liked that we could use our own camera, i mean we all have awesome cameras, why have to wait or take a chance at it get lost etc... (take note Donnie!) I walked in & said hi/hug to Joe, he says hey how ya doin, very sweet, & smiling :) then I turned to Eman & he just stopped and said "I know you..." & grinned. lol I was really suprised that after 8yrs he remembered me! He said I met you in indy right? I said yeah, that was the first time, then about 12-13 others plus a few Eman parties...umm Corey's house? (To read that blog go here: http://http// ) He laughed & said Oh yeah, Corey! the photographer from Ohio! He hugged me said good to see you again, then she took our pic. I introduced them to John who was standing off to the side & told them that John would be joining us on the cruise this yr. Joe says dude are u really goin? John says it's 2500 drunk women, of course i'm goin lol
They were serving a drink special called a "New Kids On The Rocks" is a sweet drink,similar to a purple hooter-so of course we had to get it lol YUMMY!
Suzi took a pic of hers ------>
They let us into The Lounge just before midnight, !
there we small tables w/ 4 chairs set up around the stage & a 2nd row of tables, enough for the VIP people from what I could see, then there were rows of chairs set up like a concert behind those. The place is very small, intimate little place just like Joe said it would be :) Every seat is a good seat!
I loved every minute of the show!!!
They did a good mix of Joe songs, covers, an NKOTB medley including his version of Cover Girl, my all time fave! More than anything though, I just love listening to Joe sing! Good to see nothing has changed with these two! Suzi got a pic of the booze! Thanks for all the show pix btw :)
Joe singing Taylor Swift was just hilarious, I got it on video, but you can hear, me laughing my ass off!
Favorite line of the night had to be when someone requested "Popsicle" after he sang "Sex On Fire" his response "I just did the singing equivilent of banging the shit outta you & you wanna hear Popsicle?!
....Thank God I don't have a problem with that" LMAO They are still as funny & entertaining as ever! The opening video had me cracking up! I hope he'll post that somewhere after the vegas gig is up! At the M&G they said they were trying to get Eman on the cruise for an show during the cruise-I may have to skip the back-rub for THAT if it happens! :D
The slideshow of pix "thru the years" is awesome, I have one to add to it if either of you happen to read this?
....Thank God I don't have a problem with that" LMAO They are still as funny & entertaining as ever! The opening video had me cracking up! I hope he'll post that somewhere after the vegas gig is up! At the M&G they said they were trying to get Eman on the cruise for an show during the cruise-I may have to skip the back-rub for THAT if it happens! :D

Joe ended the night singing "One Night" & getting on top one of the tables, so well he earned a $100 tip! He tried to give it back to her but she made him keep it, so he said money is money! lol it's what we do anyway, just not so directly like that! I'm sooooo glad I was able to go to Vegas! If you have the chance to see these guys live RUN don't walk...go go go!!! Seriously, it's hands down the best live accoustic show you'll ever see!
I thought of something else I wanted to add while I was in the shower. Going to see Joe & Eman in 2002 is something that changed my life, because it brought me out of my small town life to a life I couldn't even dream of. Traveling to new cities, meeting new friends from all over the country, all of it made me realize I wanted more out of life. I believe everything happens for a reason, so thank you to Joe & Eman for indirectly leading me to my now husband & best friend, who took me to see you in Chicago just 1 week after meeting! I couldn't ask for a better husband, or best friend! In the same way we blockheads treasure the early days of nkotb as the best years of your childhood, I feel the same for my year w/ EMAC & the Bravehearts....Don't FUCK with us alright?! :D