My next trip was a total suprise! When NKOTB announced the Demnd It contest I had very little opes of being one of the lucky few to get to attend, but I still entered JUST IN CASE! I was talking w/ Lisa & Suzi on bbm when Suzi said she had gotten a ticket, a few minutes later Lisa got this point I was prayin I'd get one too! About 2 minutes later I got the email! I started screaming, scared the crap outta the cat & my kids! LOL A few other BH's from Ohio met at my house that morning so we could all ride there together. Thanks to Patti we were the first group in line! We waited outside in the cold ALL DAY but it was worth it to get prime seats close to the guys! Luckily the theater allowed us to use the bathroom inside & be able to thaw out from time to time! The local news came while we were waiting & asked who wanted to be interviewed-no one else would do it so I was elected by default LOL Later in the evening I was elected once again for the live news broadcast-guess I was the BH spokeswoan for the day! When they FINALLY let us in the theater we chose the seats right behind the guys-well there was 1 row between us for Armondo & the other security guy. I didn't want to sit in front of them bc I knew I'd be constantly turning around to see what they were doing. Here's the video I took of the guys entrance, when DOnnie came up to his seat he was throwing popcorn so I took a handful of mine & threw some back at im LOL
It was surreal getting to wtch them watch the movie! They were constantly elbowing each other making comments, yelling out at the screen. Donnie was on his BB most of the time taking pix of the screen! Lisa caught Jordan singing along to the concert footage of "I'll Be Loving You Forever"....a once in a lifetime experience for sure! From now on I won't go to the movies without picturing those 5 silouhetts in front of me!
A few days after Donnie's visit to Columbus tickets went on sale for the NKOTB Christmas concert at The House of Blues in Boston-and by pure luck we got tickets! Thanks to John for helping search Ticketmaster on his computer too! HOB only holds about 2400 ppl-we got general admission tickets for the floor :) John decided to drive us all there-it was a BAD GIRL Reunion! Jen, Steph, Jess,Suzi, Pam, Lisa & I were all going! Thanks to Jess I also was informed of a Blockhead dinner the night before the concert at Hard Rock Cafe. Donnie had been invited & was possibly coming! We got in just in time before the stopped taking reservations...Phew! We drove to Philly to pick up Pam & Jen then in the early morning we headed on for Boston! There was a big snowstorm coming up the coast so we left early enough to get to Boston b4 the snow did. Boston got like 10inches of snow later that night which cancelled our sightseeing plans-it was just too cold & such a mess everywhere. We went to Hard Rock for the dinner, and we were in the "boston Room" which had some NKOTB memoribillia :D There were about 60-70 fans there-it was fun getting to meet more Blockheads!
We were done eating & some ppl were starting to leave when we saw Armondo walk in the room-that only means 1 thing...Donnie was here! He made his way around the room hugging everyone.
He said he didn't have time for pix with everyone but he wanted to at least stop by to say hi to all of us! Whe he came around to me I got my big Donnie hug... & then introduced him to John! Donnie took off his glove to shake John's hand. John thanked him for making me so happy all the time, and Donnie said "i want you to know that all the love & energy she puts into this doesn't go wasted, these are not my fans, they are my friends, my family." John leans in & says well what I REALLY wanna thank you for is all the blowjobs you told her to give me" Donnie looks at me (I'm crackin up) then back at John then starts laughing & says "group hug on that man!" The next night was the concert, we were all so excited to see what they had in store for us with this being a 1 of a kind Christmas show! And all the proceeds went to Toys for Tots. Getting to see them sing their Christmas songs & their new song "Coming Home" was an extra special treat! The show was awesome! We had so much fun-especially Jen! LOL This was our first full NKOTB concert together! There was even a special appearance of some of the members of New Edition-they did a song with them on their last cd The Block "Full Service". Nkotb presented a check to the Marines for $60,000 plus 5 truckloads full of toys that we all donated! Thanks to John being there I was able to get most of the concert on video & he took pix for me! He got some REALLY good pix-we all determined he must be a "Joe Girl" bc there were so many pix of Joe! LOL The best part of the show had to be Mistle toe Magic when each of the guys picked a girl to kiss under the mistletoe! WOW JON!!! We went to the afterparty, Donnie was there and performed his new songs "I Got It" & "Rise & Grind" he told us that the club we were at was where he & Jordan went the night they got together to start discussing the NKOTB reunion :) We could see how exhausted he was, hope that boy learns to get some SLEEP someday! My wekend in Boston had to come to an end unfortunately, but now I definitely have to go back someday when the weather is nice so I can get to see more of the city!
My next adventure was in November for Donnie's "I Got It" party in Columbus at Sugar Bar. The day before the party Donnie tweeted that DWAIR was headed for OH-IO, so I did some checking & headed to the airport! There were about 15-20 other fans who also showed up to be the welcome party for Donnie. We went to the gate where he would be arriving (he tweets everything so it's not hard to find him when he wants to be found!) We took paper towels from the bathroom & made a welcome to Columbus sign to hold up when we got off the plane. All the other passengers got a kick out us-they had no idea they'd been on a plane w/ a celebrity! lol Donnie & his crew were the last ones off the plane-we all started screaming, he was just as excited to see us too! There was a waiting room right there so we all went in there to talk, take pix etc with him. At one point his assistant Johnny said let's just do a group pic, but donnie said no I'm gonna take a picture with each one of em! He spent about a half hr with al of us! He tried to do a bubbletweet but the Fail Whale shut him down! LOL Donnie if you ever read this-I have the missing bubletweet!
I was videotaping pretty much the whole time. He was razzin me about it asking if I was making Titanic 2 or something, said I must be Tony Spalelli's sister. I said but now all these fans will have their time w/ you on video. He said it's ok girl just teasin ya. My friend Pam had yet to meet him & asked me to call her if I got to see im so she could say hi. So I handed my phone to Pam so she could talk to him & yes I got that on video too! lol
Before he left he told us he would be at WNCI radio station in the morning for an interview & to come down. The next morning I went to the radio station & was suprised to find only 3 other fans there. We saw a Hummer limo pull up at the other end of the building, we went running down & saw Flossy waking into the building, but he came right back out. We figured we has missed Donnie going in but would just wait for him to come back out. We started talking to Flossy & he said well since it's cold why don't you hop in the limo? He opened the door & as I went to cimb in I'm face 2 face with Donnie! They were at the wrong entrance so he hadn't gotten out yet. He was on the phone so I just smiled & waved as I moved to the front of the limo to sit. We drove around to the other side of the building & donnie told us to hang out & keep warm while he went inside. We were flippin out-OMG! We listened to the interview and waited for him to come back out. When he came out we talked for 10min or so about the interview. Then it was time for us to go but he did pose for a pic with each of us before we got out :) I went home & waited for my friends (Steph, Jess & Suzi) to get here! We had M&G tix to meet him before the party, it was Suzi's first time meeting him-I was so excited for her! When it was my turn I thanked him for letting us keep warm in the limo :) and then it was time for the party! We ended up standing right next to the bar which made for quite a night especially since it started about an hour late & Steph & I were drunk by the time he took the stage! We had a BLAST though!
Thanks to Jess & Suzi for babysitting us! LOL After the show we went looking for Donnie at Waffle House, the first 1 we went to-Suzi went in to check it out & the waitress said "If you're looking for that Backstreet Boy he's at the 1 on Wilson Rd" LMAO so of course we left & went to that one! We got there just in time to see him leaving, I love watching him with fans-he really does love us, so patient!!
My next venture was June 11th for the Full Service Summer Tour in Pittsburgh, PA. I met Suzi (a fellow twitter addict) for the first time but certianly not the last! And also Jess who I had met in NYC at the Today Show campout -I had 5* tix and no idea WTH I was gonna say to Donnie when I saw him! Not that it matters if I plan what to say ahead of time bc usually my mind goes blank when I see him anyway! He's Donnie F*ckin Wahlberg ya know?! My husband John had been joking about how he wanted me to thank Donnie for him for all the extra sex he gets in return for sending me on all my New Kids adventures. (If i weren't w/ John there's no way I could afford my NKOTB habit!) When i went in I hugged him I said "my husband wants me 2 thank you for all the xtra sex he's gotten in return 4 sending me 2 all these concerts" he laughed & said "just tell him 2 tweet me if he's not getting enough I'll make sure he gets more" so were standing there waiting for them 2 take the pic & I said "so how many blowjobs do u think it will take 4 him 2 let me go to Houston 4 the last show?" right then they snapped the pic & captured his reaction! He turned 2 me, grabbed me by both shoulders & said "honey-just blow ya man EVERDAY-I promise you'll get whateva ya want" and then hugged me again LOL Never in my life did i think i would hear those words from Donnie & I learned it IS possible to shock Mr.Donnie Wahlberg!!! I had 2nd row center for the show that night! I had resisted the urge to watch any youtube videos like I had with the first tour. This was a whole new show & I wanted to be suprised! I'm so glad I didn't peek! They never fail to amaze us! I was SO EXCITED to get to see DOnnie perform "Stay w/ Me baby"!! For whatever reason he took it out of the show shortly after Pittsburgh, so I was lucky to get to see it!
That night Donnie brought his son Elijah out on stage at the end...SO CUTE! He's gonna be just like his daddy!
After the show Suzi & I debated about if we should to to The Waffle House but the closest one was 30min south of there & since the guys were headed in the opposite direction I figured Donnie wouldn't be going. WRONG-not only DOnnie but also Jordan & danny went to WH that night!
Now that I was free to attend more concerts due to our Disney trip being changed to August I started looking for tickets! I decided to take the kids to the show in Cleveland! They had been wanting to go to see what it was all about. John 2 daughters Tiffany & Kimmy wanted to go too, mainly to see The Jabbawokeez but by the end of the night had been turned into NKOTB fans too! Tiff & Kimmy we so excited to get to mee Jabbaz! The girls LOVED the concert, Chloe especially loved bein able to scream her head off & not get in trouble for it! LOL We went to Waffle House afterwards, but they didn't make a WH stop that night :(
My friend Steph that I had met while freezing my ass off in Columbus asked me if I wanted 2 join her & her friends on their concert roadtrip-4 days, 4 states, 4 shows! Detroit, Chicago, Cincinnati & Indianapolis! How could I say no?! I drove to Indy to meet up w/ Steph & Kristy, from there we drove to Detroit for the first show. When we went into the venue, we were just walking around to check the place out, get something to eat etc. We weren't there 5 minutes when we all started reading the posts on Twitter that Michael Jackson had died?! OMG-so shocking & sad :( Most of us loved MJ b4 NKOTB. We wondered if the guys would mention anything about it at the show since he was such a huge influence for them. It was an outdoor ampitheter and there was a walkway behind the hill of the lawn area, and ended up walking right past the 5* M&G area! The tent was off a little ways but it was fun to watch it all even if from afar.
We also happened to run into Ethan while we were there watching! He's just too damn sweet :) That night when they sang "Please Don't Go Girl" they each were wearing a single white glove...
and later Rob started playin "Man In The Mirror" on the piano & soon the entire crowd was singing along. They guys came out & talked about MJ's passing & how much of an influence he was for them, then they sang "I'll Be There"-the tears were flowin for sure that night!
Donnie also showed us his bestMJ moves :D SO HOT! After the show we followed the buses & ended up at a McDonalds. The buses pulled around to the far side of the building & we weren't sure if we should just go over there or what lol When we finally got the nerve to walk around the building-we saw Donnie standing there at the drive-thru window with a cpl fans. But Armondo started yellin tellin us to go back blah blah. Donnie waved to us but we walked back 2 our car after basically being scolded by his security. We were tweeting 2 our friends about what happened & everyone said GO BACK! Donie won't turn you away-just ignore Armondo. So we go back around the building but the buses were pulling out :( SO CLOSE! We jumped in the car to follow-correction "escort" them to Chicago ;) One thing we learned is to fill up the gas tank BEFORE the show! We were about out of gas & had 2 stop but didn't wanna lose the buses. So Steph speeds up til the garmin shows we've gained about 10 min & we stop for gas-the FASTEST pit stop in history I think! Fuel, potty, Red Bull & we were back on the road in 8 min flat! We did end up finding one of the buses but it drove right into the venue so we went on to get some breakfast & get some sleep at the hotel. Our room wasn't available yet though so we had to sleep in the car for a cpl hours while we waited. After getting some much needed sleep we made sure to fill up the gas tank & toss some red bulls in the cooler b4 going to the concert :D At the show that night we were lucky enough the be right infront of Jon when they sang "Single"! We started freakin out when we saw the platform being set up in the isle right beside us!!
They also did the MJ tribute that night & the next 2 nights as well but not after that. Onto Cincinnati now-this time we didn't have to stop & followed the buses right to the venue. They stopped in the general parking area, so we parked also & got out to talk to the others who had been "escorting". The bus drivers told us that these were the band, dancer & Jabbawokeez buses-Joe was already there in the backlot. The Knight bus & the Baby Daddy bus were supposed to be there in about a half hour. Sure enough about 20-30 min later we see 2 buses pulling in but 1 of the buses had smoke billowing out of the top of it! We ran over to ask the bus drivers what was wrong-he said it was just the deisel engine releasing pressure/steam or something like that-nothing 2 worry about. A few minutes later we got a tweet from Jordan saying that he woke up to his bus on fire! LOL The buses went on back behind the venue so we went to our hotel for a nap & etc b4 the show. I went to the box office to get my free tix from DOnnie but the woman told me she didn't have my name on her list. I explained how I had gotten tix & she went to check with her manager. I started bawling, how can this happen?! The manager came to the window & said there was no record of me supposed to be having tix but the tour manager was in a good mood & gave them to me anyway! Thank God! After the show that night Donnie had another afterparty at The Lodge Bar!
We went to the party didn't get up close but we were still there for all the fun! After he left we got another round of drinks to celebrate our roadtrip -but then I got a text from a fellow BH sayin get your butt to Waffle House-Donnie is here! We grabbed a cab & headed there but when the driver stopped there was no WH in sight?! We asked where the WH was-he pointed & said "Haufbro Haus" (it was a german restraunt! I said "no the WAFFLE HOUSE" Steph said "aw-fuck" & the cabbie starts flippin out sayin to get out of his cab-he won't be talked to with that language etc...after a bit of begging he finally drove us to WH just in time to catch DOnnie coming out! I said "hey donnie can i get a pic? I've got my camera ready!" He said "girl where were ya? I just took 100 pix in there" I said I'm sorry we just got here! He said ok, walk with me" put his arm around me, took my camera & snapped the pic himself! LUV HIM! And we still had 1 more show to go!!! The next night was the show in Indy-we had so much fun on that trip!! Can't wait to do it again!!!
Since my husband is so wonderful, he agreed to take me to Houston for the last show on the summer tour (last show for a while so we thought) I wanted him to go with me to experience it & maybe try to understand even if just a little bit why I am obsessed (or extremely dedicated lol) to these guys. And if he didn't understand well at least he'd see I'm NOT alone in this crazy NKOTB world! We made a weekend of it, & visited the Houston Space Center too. There was an undercover plan started by fellow fans for everyone to have battery op candles to hold up during I'll Be Loving was amazingly successful! Such a beautiful site, so emotional...the whole night had a different energy/feel to it.
SO much love & appreciation you could FEEL it I swear! There was an afterparty but this one was pretty much a bust. We paid $50/each to get in & there were SO MANY girls you couldn't even find Donnie-none of the other guys came & he didn't do any performance. Despite the afterparty I'm so glad I got to be at the Houston show to be a part of the LOVEFEST! In August THE CRUISE tix went on sale, but after 6 hours on 2 computers I came up with nothing but frustration & tears :( Still hoping to get on the ship, if you hear of any open spots let me know!!!