I couldn't help but wish the rest of The Dew Crew was there with me, but unfortunately I had lost touch with them after high school. Joe sang his version of "Cover Girl"...simply amazing! There's no doubt about it, that boy can sing his ass off! Even MORE exciting...after the show he came out into the bar to talk to, sign autographs & take pix with everyone who was there! He was so nice when it was finally my turn, he signed my cd & I asked him how he had decided to sing Cover Girl. He said they were just messin around in the studio one day & he started singing it. Sorry D, but Joe totally rocks that song! I also managed to get a photo of Joe & Eman together-still one of my favorite pix.

They really are 2 peas in a pod, cracking each other up on stage, always goofing off etc...I needed more! I ended up going to see them in Cleveland, Chicago, Albany,& Boston...with the help of friends I had met on line in the various cities no need for a hotel etc made travel pretty cheap. At the Chicago show Joe's manager Dave recognized me in the hotel lobby after the show (from the 3 previous shows) & invited my friend & I upstairs to the private after party at the House of Blues!

We spent most of the evening hanging out with Eman-Joe was um...busy ;) My next stop on the JoeEman tour was my first trip to Boston & my first time flying! I flew in Boston & met up with a friend, we drove to Albany for the show that night

& then drove back to Boston that night after the show. By chance we ended up following Joe & Eman in their Lincon Navigator, we recognized it when it went FLYING past us! SO we speed up to check the plate to see if it really was them..yep it was! So we followed them almost all the way to Boston when we had to stop for gas! Thanks to Joe's lead foot we made the trip in record time! The following night was the Boston concert and like every show it's general admission which means if you want to be up front you have to stand in line all day. We would take turns going to eat, get ready for the show etc... because of that I didn't get to see any of the city. Joe brought his sister Carol onstage to sing with him that night!

We managed to find the back entrance to the upstairs lounge where the afterparty was going on and got to see Joe again :)

Eman was always very flirty (first time I met him he wrote "You are HOT" on my cd)-he has that charismatic type personality-Joe always joked that he was taking all his women over to "The Dark Side".

My husband at the time wasn't too thrilled with the attention from Eman but I assured him it was nothing. He couldn't understand my need to see them over & over again. It wasn't just the fact it was Joe McIntyre, it was the fun I was having & the friends I had made-things that had been missing from my life for a long time. Before this I had work, kids & a husband who I had nothing in common with. I got married way too young & for the wrong reasons. I was always the NKOTB/band geek in school-glasses & braces, never got attention from boys or dated & I pretty much married the first guy that came along. I didn't think anyone else would want me-Eman's flirting changed that. But that's all it ever was-just fun flirting. Although he did tell me in Chicago that if I ever got divorced to look him up. This tour of experiences was a catalyst of change in my life, it made me realize I wanted more out of life-wasn't sure what exactly I wanted, but knew there was someone better for me out there. I left my husband & filed for divorce in August of 2002-I hoped I was making the right decision-my head told me I was crazy to leave just because I was unhappy, but my heart told me it was time to move on. I went to see Joe&Eman a cpl months later in LA & let's just say it didn't go as planned..someone put "something" in my Cosmo that night & I still have no memory of what happened. All I know is what others told me I did. "Bravehearts" is what Joe called those of us who followed him from city to city-if you think the NKOTB fan community is small it was MUCH smaller then-everyone knew everyone & apparently word had gotten around (& as usual was exaggerated) about Eman because NOTHING ever happened, not even a kiss! LOL I found out later that the rumor was that I had left my husband to be with Eman...soooo NOT TRUE! but you know how nasty girls can be :( A few weeks later a friend was having an "Eman Party" in PA & at first I wasn't going to go, I was too embaressed about what I may have done or said in LA at the party, but I got up the nerve to go so I could apologize for whatever happened in LA-thank God he was totally cool about the whole thing, he said not to worry - we all have nights like that that, I didn't do anything too bad & it was no big deal :) A few weeks later while in an MSN chat room I met John. I had swore to myself I wanted to be single, play the field & have all the young crazy fun I missed out when I chose to get married & have kids. It was supposed to be nothing more than friends with benefits but you just can't fight love when it finds you. We were inseperable from the day we met. The weekend after we met there was a Joe & Eman show in Chicago that I was of course dying to go to but didn't have the money-John said he would take me! He wasn't jealous of anything & he knew exactly what he was getting into w/ my nkotb obsession from day one LOL A few months later we also went to NYC for another show. John also went with me to see Jordan in Toledo & Columbis. Also when Danny came to Columbus! Jordan didn't do any M&G but we were right up front to see him perform! Danny happily stayed as long as needed to meet/take pix etc with everyone who had come to see him!

He asked me if I had any kids, I said yeah 2 daughters, he said "damn you look good for having 2 kids girl" HOLY CRAP!! I was in shock, didn't really know what to say other than "thanks" lol So, at this point I'd met Joe multiple times, Danny & been so close to Jordan...but still had yet to meet my "fave" Donnie :( I assumed the only way that would happen would be for me to travel to California and start looking, until I got a phone call from my sister somewhere around March of 2008.
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