I flew to NYC early thursday morning & was in line by 9am for the concert the following day. Camping out on the street was an experience to say the least!
Everyone kept asking what we were waiting for. We got tired of answering the same question over & over so we started thinking of crazy things to tell them. Waiting for Elvis, Jesus, Barack Obama, YOU (as in the person asking).... that we were being quarentined due to swine flu...LOL The BEST thing about this trip was I met 2 awesome friends! Jen & Lorena just happened to be the next girls to get in line after me and we had a blast getting to know each other!
Despite the rain, no sleep & stinky food we had so much fun!!! Thanks again girls for "adopting" me & my backpack baby the the day!!!
Before we were let into the concert area the guys came out to say Hi to all of us who had camped out to see them!! They made their way down the line greeting fans & passing out FREE TICKETS to their upcoming Jones Beach concert! I had 5* for the Pittsburgh show but didn't get tix for the Ohio shows bc at the time we had plans to go to Disney that week. But just before my Today show we had changed our plans so now I was able to go to the Ohio shows-I just needed tickets!
When Donnie came towards us I said "Donnie can I have a ticket?"
DW "where do u want tix to?"
Me: I don't care, any show
DW: where do u live?
Me Ohio
DW where r we goin in ohio, i forget
Me cincinnati & Cleveland
DW: which do u want?
Me: either one! (like i'm gonna be picky about getting free tix?!? LOL)
DW ok cincinnati...what's ur name
Me: Amanda
DW: what's ur last name
Me: P...
DW ok Amanda P there will be 2 tickets waiting for u at will call for the cincinnati show
How awesome is that?!? After being let into the concert area we ended up being about half way back to watch soundcheck & their performance on The Today Show! My kids were excited to see me on tv for a cpl brief moments!
Here's the video of them coming to see us in the campout line :D
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