I know it's been nearly 2 years now since their return but it still blows me away that this has happened! I had heard rumors in the past, MTV tried to reunite them for the music awards one year-it was a no go...I NEVER thought I would have the chance to do what I only could dream of doing when I was 14.
The official announcement was in April on The Today Show, & 1 month later they did their 1st performance on The Today Show also! I would have loved to have gone but we already had plans to be in Myrtle Beach for Bike week then.
When they announced the tour dates I got tickets for the Boston show, they weren't coming anywhere close to me & I was worried that these few tour dates would be my only chance to see them all together again. My friend Sheri was living in Boston now so we planned to go together-it was also my birthday that weekend! At the last minute we also decided to drive to Atlantic City to see that show the following day which was my actual bday. I couldn't get M&G tix for Boston bc they all sold out on the AmEX presale, so we paid $450 each for 7th row tix! The AC show was gen admission & we ended up being about 5 people deep from the stage! The night of the very first reunion concert I was on the message board waiting to hear what happened at the show. Someone posted that a fan was "Twittering" at the show-I said I'm sure everyone there is twittering! LOL I had no idea what twitter was, but I soon learned!I signed up for an account to read about what was happening. Also before going I had watched just about every youtube video of the concert I could find lol so I didn't think I would be suprised but I gotta say...that first show..."If you aint got no money...." there are no words to describe how I felt waiting for that slow ass elevator to raise those boys up!!!

Here is my blog from that weekend:
Well I survived my birthday/NKOTB weekend!!! With only a few "bumps" along the way. US Airways lost my toiletries bag, (actually they just sent it to Pheonix instead of Providence) which had my contatcs in it! Good thing I just got cute new glasses since I had to wear them all weekend!
After arriving in Providence my friend SHeri picked me up at the airport and John headed to Connecticut to spend the weekend with some racing buddies-he wouldn't have enjoyed the screamfest anyway LOL
Sheri and I got into Boston around 5pm in the pouring rain! We went to The Greatest Bar which is across from the Garden (an area similar to the arena district here in columbus) I had read on the nkotb message board that some fans were meeting there b4 the show. When I opened the door I was shocked to hear "Please Don't Go Girl"!!! They were playing the New Kids greatest hits DVD on all the big screens in the bar!
What a perfect way to get the party started!!! The place was ful of fans singing, dancing, drinking...so much fun!!! Other than my feet were soaked from wlaking through puddles from all the rain! lol
The concert was AMAZING! We had 7th row pretty much center stage...I never imagined that someday I would be THAT CLOSE for a NKOTB concert after always being in the nosebleed seats back in the day! I have over an hour of video clips from the show and have posted some pix as well, wish I could've gotten more good pix but it was hard to dodge all the arms in the air! LOL They did many of their hits from "back in the day" so it was essentially a 2 hr sing along/love fest!
Exactly what we all have been waiting for all these years! AT the end of the show during their encore singing "Hangin Tough" Paul Pierce the MVP for the Boston Celtics came out on stage with them carrying the trophy they won this year!
The guys were loving every minute of it! After the show we waited outside by what we thought were their tour busses, but thanks to Scottie Gee (from the Funky Bunch) he told us they would actually be coming around the other side of the building! So after heading over there we did finally get to see Jon & Joe's tour buses leave with them sitting in the front window waving to us :)
We stayed at a hotel in Providence that night, hoping to pick up my bag from the airport in the morning but it still wasn't there and we had to get on the road to Atlantic City. We made it there around 3pm right after they started handing out numbered wristbands for the general admission ticket holders that night. But since the event staff was in no way prepared for 2,000 screaming blockheads the whole number thing never happened it was every woman for heself! LOL We did end up being only about 6 ppl deep from the stage! What an amazing view! I had intentions of not taking too many pix/videos and just enjoying the show but I just couldn't resist and got lots of good pix/video clips! I just can't help myself!
One of my favorite concert pix is actually of the audience...
After the show we went to Club Mixx for the after party thanks to Rachael sharing her vip table with us! The line was so long to get in I don't think we would have been able to get in without our vip reservations! Around 12:30 Joe and Donnie showed up at the club but were in a roped off vip area :( We could see them though!!! Then Donnie took the mic and they sang a couple of their new songs that they don't perform in concert so I'm so happy we got to see this little impromptu concert!!
At one point we went down onto the dance floor and could look up to the balcony where they were, I managed to get Donnie's attention and he smiled and waved at me!
About a week later was the Cleveland concert. I went with my friend Diana.
While we were waiting in the hallway to go into the photo op rom my heart was racing, hands a lil sweaty LOL I went to Jon first since he was availabe lol told him he looked great during the big hug and as i backed up he took my arm -looking at my tattoo- and said "wow that tattoo is beautiful, did it hurt?" I said yes it hurt! but it was so worth it, he said something else like "well it's awesome, i love it" (i have pink/purple lillys that spiral up my upper arm) I was suprised that of all of the guys, jon was the one to take such an interest! Next was MY MAN DONNIE! After talking to Jon I had to patiently wait while he finished hugging another girl, but i was just standing there staring/smiling at him and he was smiling back at me, as if to say just a second it will be your turn next :D So I go in for my hug and at first all I can say is just "oh..my...God" like in a sigh of relief! It just felt soo nice!!! My friend had given Zach a dvd in Montreal to give to Donnie. And when I saw Zach in AC I asked if he watched my dvd, and Zach said "I didn't but I know Donnie did" So I was so excited to ask Donnie what he thought about it! During my big long Donnie hug I said "So Zach tells me you watched my dvd" He backed up (but still in the hug lol) and said "I didn't get no dvd?! I woulda rembered that! Zach's a lying sack of S***" and right about that time Zach walked in the room and Donnie kinda yelled to him "Zach you lyin sack of S where's my dvd?!?" I just kinda laughed it off and then realized they were taking the pic! I didn't know where to stand Donnie had someone on either side of him. So he said "just get right infront of me baby" so I just kinda stooped down a bit so I wasn't blocking anyone, and had my hand on his knee to balance myself LOL shoulda went a lil higher up? Just kidding!

SO then I went onto Danny (Joe and Jordan were busy with others. I showed Danny the pin I bought at Hard Rock earlier that day it's a guitar with the pink breast cancer ribbon on it he said it was really cool and I told him I had one for him in my purse and would give it to him when they came back to mingle :) Then I said hi how are you to Joe and got a hug, then Robo was pushing us out of the room and I said I gotta give Jordan a boob squishin hug too and just went for him ( I mean he was right in front of me ) and he said "oh yeah" or something along those lines. When I backed up I backed into Robo accidently and my hand hit his but I said OOPS I hit robo and Joe said "smack him again!" so i just patted his butt LOL he turned around and just looked at me, I said I'm outta here and booked it out of the room, they all were laughing :D
When they came into mingle I got my kiss from Donnie after forgetting at the photo op!
When Joe came around to sign at our table I asked him if he and Eman would ever do another accoustic show, he smiled and said we just might!
When Danny came over I gave him the pin I had told him about and it said that's so cool, thank you! I asked if his kids were having fun on the tour and he said that they just come to some of the shows when they can because they are in school but that yes they had fun :) B4 Donnie left he said "does anyone mind if I use a bad word?" we all yelled NO so he said "ok, you better have the fuckin time of your lives tonight!" then joe from the other side of the room took the bullhorn and said "donnie couldn't be more fuckin right!" LOL and WE DID AS WE WERE TOLD!!! :D
Next up was the concert in Columbus! Finally no traveling!! I headed into Columbus in the morning to some "BUS STALKING" LOL I did get to see their busses pulling in but after 4 hours of freezing my ass off!
As usual I met some new friends while enduring the cold,wind & rain! Steph, Kristy, Amber, Kiesha & Meg!

Later I met up with my friend Diana to eat lunch at Botson's across from the arena (AWESOME PIZZA BTW!!!) We had to be in line for the Meet & Greet at 4:30 and after we checked in there is when we found out we'd been given FRONT ROW SEAT!!!! When you buy a ticket through I Love All Access you get the met & greet, photo op, gift bag and "a ticket in the first 10 rows" You just don't know your seat til the day of the show. It was just luck of the draw really! We started screaming!!! We just couldn't believe it! So we go on into the met & greet area which was really nice. It ws almost like a bar/restraunt area. They had nachos, vegggies and a few other things but I was too excited to eat!! Had a cpl glasses of white wine w/ sprite in it though LOL When you check in you're given a backstage pass with a letter on the back which is your group, we were group F. They call us back in groups of 10 to meet the guys and get our pic with them. We have only about 2-3min max with them. I went to Jon first he was just closest but he also gives the best HUGS!! Then I went to Donnie because I REALLY wanted to be standing next to him for the pic! He was wearing a BUCKEYE nut necklace!! I told him if he really wanted to get the crowd CRAZY to just say O-H! He said he heard that from another fan and was going to do it! Then I told him I had froze my ass off for 4 hrs waiting for FACETIME and he said aww I'm sorry and kissed me on the forehead...OMG I was totally 14 again!! I said well ok that made it better! LOL Then they took 2 pics and I got a hug and kiss on the cheek and they were scooting us out of the room. I hate my hair in the pic but oh well that what u get after spending all morning outside in the partial rain w/ a crappy umbrella! lol

After everyone had their turn, as the guys left they walked right though the room we were in and took the bullhorn asking us if we were ready to party etc...to get us all screaming! And of course we did!!!
SO we left right throu a curtain in the room onto the floor of the arena and to our FRONT ROW SEATS!!! The Jabbawokees opened for them and were AWESOME!!!
I got some great pix and AWESOME VIDEOS!
Had to be sneaky about the video though, they have made girls delete their memory stick on the spot if ur caught taking video. But pix are no problem, as long as you don't have a detachable lens. There was a railing infront of me and i just had my elbow on the railing holding my camera not looking at the display though so they woudn't think I was recording ;)
Donnie did say O-H and was amazed at the response he got! And several times they said O-H, even got JON to say it!!! LOL Donnie wore an OSU pullover and the nut necklace during Cover Girl!!!
He changed the words in cover girl to "oh,oh,...OHIO" He also wore an OSU buckeye jersey during Hangin Tough!!! We cought Jordan singing to my friend SEVERAL times!! Nothing like having your teen crush sing to you no matter what your age is!
After the concert Donnie was supposed to be "making an apearance" at Sugar Bar so we went over there and the place was PACKED! But we just made our way to an area that looked kinda like a small stage and I was right this time! Donnie came out on the little stage to talk to the crowd and we were right in front!! Then he went to his vip booth which was still pretty much right in front of us too, about 45 min later he came back out on the stage and was signing autographs , dancing with the dancers, pulling down his pants, lol I got it all on video!!!
So then we wait another 45 min...by this time it's almost 2am, my feet are KILING ME, I haven't eaten since 2pm, and I am just exhausted from the entire day! I figured the club would be closing soon and he probably wasn't coming to the stage again so we headed back to the parking lot to go home. It was quite a walk and I ended up walking barefoot because my feeet refused to go any further in those heels! Mental note, take flip flops for the end of the night!!!
It was an AMAZING DAY and has fueled the fire even more!!! I am now making plans to go see them on the TODAY SHOW May 8th!! AT least that's a free oncert! Just have to get there a day before to wait in line!!!
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